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Dream Job...END

  She told me " dont give shock reaction , i wil tell rest of story then you can give shock reaction. My brother Raj and my mom  both cleaning the home and they kept all photos one room. While cleaning the photos , mom wanted to know who 'that girl' was, whom I had never mentioned. "That's ABHI Mam ," I told them. "She's caring and wonderful women and she is working as a nurse in our college... Mom said " she is very beautiful and looks like trational girl. I sid yes, suddenly brother grabbed photo and he looking at the photo . He said " yes mom, she is very beautiful then Vidya, i hitted him playfully.  I asked him  "Do you want to marry Abhi mam ?"and i teased him. "NO...", he said, "I don't want to get married and i dont want to spoile her life . again he said you know right i cant able became father of her childs. i said him  "Oh! So otherwise you DO want to marry her, eh?!" I said grinning. He cou

Dream Job ...8

 We reach home and my mom stitched my blouse. Then we go to bed and in morning and I woke up early than regular my mom was already waiting for me and gave me a cream to apply on my body I done that my body become very soft I took my bath my hair was already up to my shoulder mom made them up in girly style. Then mom given me BRA and panty I said that is not necessary but she said it is padded bra and will give you a good shape then I wear blouse peticote saree she put one red colour stone neckless in my neck and made me wear 18-18 bangles in each hand even I have wore payals. Lastly done my make up like eyeliner, bindi and finally lipstick that is too red .   I was ready to go hospital . I took my college bag and was about to leave for hospital mom stop me and said this college bag is not matching on this outfit  then she handed a red colour ladies hand bag I placed all my thing in that she already kept my make up kit and lipstick . Finally I leave for hospital.I was already late for h

Dream Job...7

 Next day I got ready to go hospital of cource the outfit she gifted me yesterday. Mom complimanted me on my looks. I realise that neither my shirt nor my pant have any pockets to keep my belongings so I have took my college bag to kept all my things. I went to  everyone was looking at me like i thought that i was looking very special today.  Pallavi came to my desk and complimented me for my looks and said that you should always wear cloths likes this.  In evening Vidya asked come with her. i followed her. Vidya - she said we have to purchase some more cloths for you.  Me- i said no. Vidya - i am not asking permission , you have to come with me . Me- i dont have any other option so i said ok.  we went to same shop today she purchased 3 more jeans and 4 t shirts though t shirts were little funky and bright in colour.the we went to home. Mom shocked to purchising bags and i told her its gift from friend. one week i wored all new purched dresses and like week gone.. me & pal

Dream Job...6

 I just wanted to get changed to my clothes. All the others were to be in their costumes because their parts weren't over. So, i rushed to the changing room all alone by myself to get my clothes. i searched everywhere but couldn't find them anywhere. All of a sudden someone shut the door of the changing room. i turned to see who it was. Me - Who is there? Vidya - Awww..The newly girl is in such a hurry to change. Kalai - You still need to be there in that dress. Me - What nonsense. I'm  your seniour staff nurse, you must respect me. Kalai - Oh we are scared, what will you do otherwise, ABHI. Me - Stop calling me, that you want me to report you to the Chief doctor. Vidya - We are not the ones under the obligation but you are. Me - What the hell are you talking about? Kalai - Oh you will definitely know ABHI. Vidya - You were searching for your pant and shirt weren't you? Me - Yes I was. Kalai - We are the ones who have it. Me - Then give it to me Vidya - Did you really t

Dream Job ...5

 Pallavi - Kalai give his braid. Pallavi started to braid the hair extensions and finished braiding. The braid reached my butt. No one can tell that i am  a man if they see me from behind. Pallavi - Can you girls help me do makeup as I got to go and get the flowers for his braid. Vidya - Okay mam, leave it to us. Me - Pallavi mam for this role no need mack up right,  Pallavi - Abhi sir..this is drama so we need some light mackup then only your face will glow like women. Kalai - Abhi sir will become the most beautiful woman in this whole hospital. Pallavi smiled and left. I didn't know what was about to happen. Kalai took my braid in her hand and placed it on my shoulder. Kalai - Abhi mam, you must take care of this precious long braid of yours, until we do your makeup. Vidya - Okay let the makeover begin. Mam please close your eyes. I did as she said, I didn't speak a single word during the process. Vidya started by applying foundation to my face, followed by a little amount of

Dream Job ...4

 Days passed and keeping my hair in a bun with a bun net became something usual for me. But still daily mom tried different hairstyles on him. i was very ashamed but couldn't disobey my mom. It was nurse day and therefore, all were allowed to wear whatever they wanted and their hairstyle were their choice too. So, i was really excited as i could finally feel like a man again and could wear a ponytail. Both Vidya and Kalai couldn't get revenge for a long time but they were waiting for the right opportunity. i came to the hospital in pant shirt and my hair was tied in a ponytail. i entered the staff room. All are planning to do various programs but I didn't participate in anything. So i was free. Divya - Hi Abhi sir, happy nurse day. Me - Same to you, mam. Divya - I'll catch up with you later we need to rehearse for the drama we are going to put on. Me - Okay. Pallavi came. Pallavi - Abhi sir, why don't you come see us doing the rehearsal. Me - Yes I'll come. Me,

Dream Job ...3

 I went inside bathroom to freshen up, i saw himself on the mirror, i didn't really look like a man, i was feeling ashamed of myself. i washed my face and then came out. Soon my mother called me. Mother - Hey Abhi come here and sit before me. Me - Why mom? Mother - You want to stay in this braid all day? Looks like you love doing your hair like a woman. Me - No not at all mom. I like my job and this is my dream job because this i cant leave my job. I sat before my mom. my mom started to remove my braid and started to comb it neatly. i started to browse through youtube with my hearphones on. i didn't really pay much attention to my mom. Mother - Here you go sweety. Saying this she placed two braids on both sides of my shoulders. The braids reached my chest. i saw it and i got very angry and i went to remove it. Mother - Don't you dare touch your braids. I spent so much time to make them. If you don't listen, I'll make two braids for you tomorrow when you go for work.

Dream Job...2

 Kalai kept the pink bun net in the my hands, i had no other option but to obey the orders of my superior. Me - But Doctor I don't know to tie my hair in a bun or how to use a bun net. Doctor - We'll in that case, kalai pls help him to tie his hair in a bun. I didn't know what to do, i just bend down my head in shame. Kalai came to naer me. All the girls staff were eager to see what was about to happen. Kalai - Bro please turn back. i did as she said. Kalai removed the band from my low ponytail and started to braid my hair, i was shocked. Me - Why are you braiding my hair instead of a bun. (All the girls were giggling) Kalai - Sir, your hair will be tight only if you make a braided bun. i had no choice but to keep calm. Kalai finished braiding my hair and then she made a bun and inserted the bun net.  All the girls started giggling. the meeting was over, all are left. i kept my head down because of shame. One of the girls stood and asked Girl - bro you never told your name

Dream Job ...1

My name is Abhishek. I grew up in a small village and I am the only son in my family. My mom's name is Ramya and she is my role model . She worked as a nurse in a nearby hospital. so i am also completed nursing near my village till that i stay in village that why i don't have any exposure outside , and that to i am little shy guy ,after completion of my graduation. So I grow my hair like my mom. My mom has beautiful hair. I always kept it clean of those one inch hairs. I will always be clean shaven and clean. After completion of nursing I started to search for a job. My mom referred me to where she has worked in that hospital. It was the first day of my work , two girls Vidya and Kalai are final year nursing students with me.. Both Vidya and Kalai had a white skin tone, roughly 5.6 feet tall, Vidya had hair till her mid back which was tied in a ponytail while Kalai had her hair till her shoulders which was tied in a French braid. I was roughly 5.3 feet tall, slim, clean shaven


                                                       My new Story " Dream Job "coming soon...

Actress Saranya - END

 After few days, I started wearing women clothes outside our house. I am a complete woman . But physically I am man....I also started going to cini parties...maya asked sorry but i am not ready to forgive her.  Maya looked at me and asked why your torchuring me & what u want from me , i asked sorry somany times . I said her "i want another baby" ,If you can not tell, you can sleep in a separate room in the same house and I in a separate room. Maya's face turned angry. I looked at her and told her that this was the punishment for the mistake you made. The next day she told me I was ready to have the baby. Night we had sex & its very satisfied me and i took my revenge on her... After  two month , MAYA became pregnant..maya gave boy baby and i became very happy now... After one year both me and MAYA had our sex change surgeries. After we are healed completely. My mom told me soon you and Maya are going to married again. I was confused and why? My mom told me, last ti

Actress Saranya part -14

 Then we went to the dining hall and I served the food to her. After she finished eating, I ate in her plate. Then she said" Today is our actual first night. You clean our bed make it ready. I'll go out and bring flowers to decorate our bed". I was excited. This is my first night as a woman. I went into the bed room and cleaned our bed. Made it neat. Then she came with lot of flowers. We decorated the bed. Then she made me sit in front of the mirror and started applying make up. I was observing carefully so that I can do my make up next time. She had put a light foundation, pink blush on my cheeks and red lipstick. She then gave me the pink silk saree with orange borders that she wore on our first night, matching blouse, bra, panty, bangles, ear rings, anklets and jasmine flowers. She told me to go to the other bed room and get ready. I went to the other bed room and wore the silk panty and bra. Then I wore blouse and tied the saree below the waiste. Then I put on the ban

Actress Saranya part -13

 I sat she drinks some milk and gave to me I drink it she said to directly rchalo for sex I tensed she said I am waiting for this moment for past do many years. she came near to me removed shirt , suddenly I kept my hand on the chest and cover, she laughed and said Ur my husband, dont worry dear. I saw my penis was eracting and  it  was harden and it was long now . she started kissing me and body , and i am  pressing the breast with my hands now i sucked her breast and nipple now i came to down part and she is nude now i taken her down side and i inserted my penis to vagina . After two strokes i cant able to do..she asked me to lay down..she started to have sex..I am screening now she started insring to my penis and she gave a push I got pain and sounding now some blood came there again, she started giving the strokes now and finnaly i released sperm now h ands till I am getting pain but maya said she wants more and she in  sex mood , for her pain was not a big matter in that mood.  i

Actress Saranya - 12

 One day she asked me to go out..she brought her bike and I started sitting like a man with legs on boths side. she laughed and told to sit like a lady wirh both legs on one side. i said no...she said me " please sit in one side , then he started driving fast and I was forced to hold him tight and i hugged her to maintain balance. I saw another girl sitting behind her boyfriend and wondered what I was doing.We watched the movie and girls held thier hand for the whole time. we went to coffie shop and people findout she is Actor Maya & people sorrounded and i hided my face. suddenly she called & everyone turned my side & i got angry. i dont know what to do...When we cameback.  I started removing the clothes and went take baths. i went to bed like that. she held me very tightly and started kissing my neck and back I told her to stop but she didn't listen she rubbed my chest and back also and I pushed her away and i went another room. still i am angrymood only.she was

Actress Saranya part -11

 Maya came to me and thanked me for acted in the film. She looked at me and said you are beautiful. I did not understand what she said suddenly. Maya slowly told me that she did not know why I liked you, I said thank you maya. I have acted in 2 films with Maya and she has a special power of something so whenever I see her I feel like something , i m floating in the air when she touches me. Then we both hugged and said bye ...we left and went home. I told Jenny i want to maya be with me, Always i want to her. Jenny asked me if you I love Maya , just tell her. I do not know about love but I said keep thinking about her. For that Jenny said you fell in love, tell her about it first .I said no, i dont want spoil maya carrier. Our second film was released and the people started talking about us. Maya and I became even more famous. Maya called me and thanked me. she said 'Saran you are the reson  that I have become a great actor today. I told her it was a gift for you and its your hardwo

Actress Saranya part -10

 In one year I achieved my goal and I became popular actress among the people .But Vicky is suffering a lot from me. I could not even time to talk to Vicky .My parents told me that even if a boy spoke normally at this time it would be mistyped by journalists so be careful. So I met Vicky without anyone knowing. One day Vicky's father came to see me. He said to me "Kaviya are you ready to vicky,"  i said  I do not want it now Uncle, let it go for a few more days. He asked me ' Kaviya tell me the truth whether you still love Vicky or not. If you say no I will see another girl for my son. Athe same time my parents also came. my father told him " Sir you have helped my daughter so you can not  ask like this sir,  and now my daughter is a popular actress and it is not fair to ask your son who is not doing any work, again my father told him " you have helped my daughter so if u want we will give money for that help and i will pay for that help.. uncle got angry an

Actress Saranya part -9

 Middle of the journey my car gone to repair so I started to asking help fro villagres , Still 2 KM is there for my village. someone gave lift and , we reached the village and I get out in middle only he told he will drop until home but I told no I will go by walk and see the nature, he went and I started to walking in next house of our grandparents house I saw a very beautiful homely looking girl her name is Kaviya, I fell in love at first sight, she is beauiful girl but she is very bold girl with lots of helping nature I started to introduce my self and try to impress her.But she in not getting impressed I just went to home and sleep next day I thought to roam the village .while going I also saw Geetha she is also going to somewhere . She told me , she is going to village festivel. i follwed her .There is wrestling match is going on. wristling match b/w villages. karthik is fighting for Kaviya village,but the opposite guy beat the karthik and he is lost the match and village is in s

Actress Saranya part - 8

 Second Movie Hero  My name is Vicky and I am rich man , my father is very rich person so every morning I getup and go to gym make my body strong and after get ready in jeans and shirt and go to pub or bar in my bike or car and enjoy with hot girly chicks. I saw so many girls it's getting bored daily hangout with modern girls, but I like homely feminine girly girl. I told my father I need marry a homely feminine girly girl, my father know I am cityguy  so he doesn't tell anything and told me in this city you will not find any homely girls so go to our village and you will see so many girls so you can marry them, I get exited and get ready to go to village ,so I packed my boxers and baniyan and my jeans and shirt I dressed in riding jacket with my jeans pant and shoes and stared my car to go to village. Heroin My name is Kaviya and I am from village in our village one bad person Bhai is ruling our village and everyone is fear for him and I am very pretty soft girl I don't br

Actress Saranaya part-7

 It took 8 months to complete this film..I was happy whether the film was over. we said Thanks to those who all are acted in the film. Then the director and our team did the rest of the work on the film, and that work was completed in 3 months. Our producer announced the release date of the film. first two days we predict people mind and  after two days the screening of the film. the film ran well and people to enjoying ... People said that the hero and heroine chemistry was good and made for each other and romentic scene we both are acted well and people noticed that also. I was ashamed, I was a boy but acted as the heroine and the film is celebrated by the people but I could not dare say , i am heroin . Then Maya and my director Varun wished me. I decided not to act anymore. My sister and mother teased me and they said now you are popular actress in cini field .I was ashamed and bowed my head. After one month my director focused on the next film, and we joined him. While we were thin

Actress Saranya part- 6

 SCENE 3: fight b/w friends Director explaing the scene : i am accepting the hero Akshay love & roaming with him, karan saww all this and get tense and started to fight with us. (Jenny helped me to wear saree for me and she put the jewelry on me. I could not walk with the saree and wearing jewelry was different for me.  I told Jenny about and not comfortable. She told me to adjust for a while and scene will complete today itself then We went to the shooting location.) shoot started..oneday akshay family came to my home and they gave one gift. i accept it. Then they spoke with my parents about our (akshay & Sana) marrige . My father asked me wear the saree and bring coffe for them. Akshay gave gift and he opened one packate and it have flower garland and he told can you put this flower in your hair I love to watch your hair I got shy then he push me towards him and turned me and put flowers in my long hair then he put bangles in my hand and bindi I am blushing pink he hand over