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Showing posts from January, 2022

தீபிகா .... பகுதி - 3

 அம்மா அறைக்குள் வந்தபோது நான் என் அறையில் அமர்ந்திருந்தேன். நான் என் அம்மாவைப் பார்த்து "ஏன் அம்மா..என்னை பரதநாட்டியமும் கற்று கொள்ள சொல்கிறீர்கள் , அது  பெண் நடனமும் தானே ,நான்  ஏன் கற்க வேண்டும் என்று கேட்டேன். அதற்கு அம்மா என்னிடம் அது  பெண்களுக்கு மட்டுமல்ல, ஆர்வம் உள்ளவர்கள் யார் வேண்டுமானாலும் கற்கலாம்" என்று சிரித்துக் கொண்டே சொன்னார் . சிலருக்கு அதுதான் வருங்காலம் , மற்றவங்களை  விட்டுவிடு உங்கள் அப்பா பரதநாட்டியம் கற்க விரும்பினார் ஆனால் உன் தாத்தா  சம்மதிக்கவில்லை அதனால் தான் ராணுவத்தில் சேர்ந்தார், ஆனால் அவருக்கு  தெரியாமல் அவர் கற்றார் ஆனால்  திருமணத்திற்கு பிறகும் அவரால் தொடர முடியவில்லை . தீபக் உனக்கு ஏற்கனவே நடனமாடத் தெரியும், நீயும் கற்றுக்கொண்டாய் அதனால்தான் நான் பரதநாட்டியத்தைத் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தேன், மறுபடியும் அம்மா என்னிடம் சொல்லுடா , 'நீ அதையே திரும்பத் திரும்பக் கற்றுக்கொள்ள விரும்புகிறாயா?' என்று சொல்லிவிட்டு, அம்மா   என்னிடம் முடிவு செய்துகொள்  என்று சொல்லிவிட்டு வெளியேறினாள். நான் அதைப் பற்றி யோசித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தேன் 'எப்படியும் இன்னும் கொஞ்ச

Deepika...part - 5

 That day night before going to sleep and i remember that what Riya mam said , I did not feel like doing that but my passion and my intrest also increased about dancing. finllay I decided to do as what Riya mam said tomorrow and i dont have any other way also. Next day i went to dance class and mam asked to follow her. i went behind her, she asked me to sit the chair and Again She opened it and I realized that it was mascara (kajal). I resisted a bit but she forcefully rimmed both my eyes with mascara.She used eyebrow pencils and curved my eyebrow shape like dancers. She completed with a black bindi in the center of my eyebrows. She opened another drawer and took a pair of clip-on jhumkas. I felt my ears heavy when she clipped it to my ears. Then She told me that I can go to the practicing hall now. The other girls were already there.The girls just laughed seeing me and teasing me. I couldn’t look at anyone’s face. Mam ordered me to be in front. I understood that it is to make sure tha

Deepika ...part-4

  The next day, I left school immediately after the class. I reached dance class by 4:45 pm. This time there was no one in the dance hall except for Riya mam. She asked me what made me to learn bharathanatiyam. I told that it’s my parents will. She said “It’s good, but soon it will be your will!”. She told me you cannot practice natiyam in trouser ant shirt. She told me to wear the recommended dress for practicing natiyam. She told “Today, its ok and tomorrow u need to buy new pyjamas and pant. i said ok.. next we purched dance dress and i came with class. When I reached dance hall, the other students were there. They giggled seeing me in such dress and i am looking different. They didn’t asked me about dress since the strict teacher was with us. She started the class by teaching about the importance of steps .The class was over by 6 pm. almost one month over and continioulsy i am going to class and another he stoped to come dance class. my behavier is changed little bit . Now i am stu


 I was sitting in my room when mom came into the room. I looked at my mother and asked her " why mom ..u asking me to learn Bharatanatyam and its female dance and why should i learn . Mom said with a smile that it is not only for women , whoever having intrest they can learn and its arts and passion for some people , leave it others Your father wanted to learn Bharatanatyam but his father did not agree and that is why he joined the army. But your father learned natiyam without his father's knowledge that he could not continue after marriage .Deepak you know how to dance and u r learned also thats why i have chossed bharathanatyam and just tell me deepak ' do you want to learn the same thing over and over again? ' and she asked me decide and she left. i was thinking about it 'Anyway just a few days right so I thought I would learn and i will full fil my mom’s desire also...nextday mornig i said ok to mom and i told her  I cannot go as I didn’t knew classical dance.

Deepika...part - 2

 Dad went to the army.  Mom, me and my brother and we would be home. My brother and I are very naughty boys, so often we even fight with neibhour guys. Mom would not hit us but scold us no matter what we did. If there was a fight between us I would beat my brother. He would cry and tell my mother. we are studying in military school. We are happly enjoying our school life. I would be pretty active when I was in school. even we joined a karate class.I did not study well, but my brother is intellence and hi is good in study. Everything was going well. I finished tenth grade. After finishied school summer time , Our dad also came home for summer vacation. Dad taught us to ride a bike. One day i got used to riding a bike alone,while practicing driving alone i fell down and i got hurt my head. parents admitted me to the hospital,still i am in unconsious state. After this incident i cant speak as loud and loud as before and it gives me a headache when I talk like that. So my habits changed. A

தீபிகா .... பகுதி -2

 அப்பா ராணுவத்திற்கு சென்று விடுவார்,  வீட்டில் அம்மா , நான் மற்றும் என் தம்பி மூவர் தான் இருப்போம். நானும் என் தம்பியும் சேட்டைகள் செய்யும் வாலு பசங்க, அதனால் அடிக்கடி நாங்கள் பக்கத்து வீட்டு பசங்க கூட சண்டை போடுவோம். நாங்கள் என்ன செய்தாலும் அம்மா எங்களை அடிக்க மாட்டார் ஆனால் திட்டுவார். எங்களுக்குள் சண்டை வந்தால்  நான் என் தம்பியை அடித்து விடுவேன். அவன் அழுது கொண்டே அம்மாவிடம் சொல்லுவான். எங்களை ராணுவ பள்ளியில் சேர்த்து விட்டனர். நாங்களும்  சந்தோஷமாக பள்ளிக்கு சென்று வந்தோம். நான் பள்ளியில் படிக்கும் போது நல்ல சுறு சுறுப்பாக இருப்பேன். அப்பா எங்களை காரதே வகுப்புக்கும் அனுப்பினார். எனக்கு படிப்பு அவ்வளவாக வரவில்லை, ஆனால் என் தம்பி நன்றாக படிப்பான். எல்லாம் நன்றாக சென்று கொண்டிருந்தது. நான்  பத்தாம் வகுப்பு முடித்து விட்டேன். கோடை கால விடுமுறையில் எங்கள் அப்பாவும் வீட்டிற்கு வந்தார்.  அந்த வருடம் அப்பா எங்களுக்கு பைக் ஓட்ட கற்று கொடுத்தார். ஒருநாள் நாங்கள் தனியாக பைக் எடுத்து கொண்டு ஓட்ட பழகினோம். அப்படித்தான் தனியாக ஓட்டும் பழகும் போது பைக்கில் இருந்து கீழே விழுந்து விட்டேன். என் தலைய

Deepika ... Part -1

                                                       Deepika Introduction Ours is a small family and we are staying in delhi.  My dad( Vijay) army man.  Mom (rohini) was working as private school  teacher. Myself (Deepak ) heroin of this story. My little brother ( Sujay )was one of the hero. I am not an educated one. our family little wealth too. So there is no need to go for job.Now i am staying in  home and i am not going for job. i was very fair skin( like my mom) complexion about 5.5’ height and slightly built with 52 kgs. I had no facial hair or body hairs.  now My brother also joined in army.  i was like built and moderate height. I am very fair and got below shoulder length silky hair.       Now i am in relationship . From childhood onwards we got good bond. my little brother bodyguard for me . he will fight for everything. But I am the one to bully by others. i was just quiet and reserved and even shy. He is quick observer and quick learner . He taught me to ride cycle and tw

தீபிகா... பாகம் --1

                                                            தீபிகா அறிமுகம்  எங்களுடையது சிறிய குடும்பம், நாங்கள் டெல்லியில் இருக்கிறோம். என் அப்பா (விஜய்) ராணுவ வீரர். அம்மா (ரோகிணி) தனியார் பள்ளி ஆசிரியையாக பணியாற்றி வந்தார். இந்த கதையின் ஹீரோயின் நான்தான்  (தீபக்). என்னுடைய  தம்பி (சுஜய்) ஒரு ஹீரோ. நான் என்னுடைய  கல்லூரி படிப்பை முடிக்கவில்லை . நங்கள் கொஞ்சம் வசதியானவர்கள் , அதனால் நான் வேலைக்கு செல்ல வேண்டிய அவசியம் இல்லை.இப்போது வீட்டில் தான் இருக்கிறேன். நான் 5.5' உயரம் மற்றும் 52 கிலோ எடை சற்று ஒல்லியாக இருப்பேன் . எனக்கு முகத்திலும் மற்றும் உடம்பிலும்  அவ்வளவு முடிகள் இல்லை . எனக்கு என்னுடைய தோல் பட்டை வரை முடி இருக்கும் . நான் என்னுடைய காதை குத்தி கொண்டேன் .நான் என் அம்மாவை போல சற்று மாநிறமாக இருப்பேன். நான் இப்போது அமைதியாகவும் எதற்கு எடுத்தாலும் வெட்க படுவென் . அனால் நான் சிறு வயதில் ரொம்ப சுட்டி , வாலு பையன் . நான் இப்போது ஒரு பெண்ணை காதலித்து  கொண்டிருக்கிறேன் , அவளை தான் விரைவில் திருமணம் செய்ய போகிறேன் . இப்போது என் தம்பியும்  ராணுவத்தில் வேலை செய்கிறான் . சின்ன வயசு

Deepika ...New story coming soon


Trisha ...End part

                                                        Divya & Trisha Marriage After twodays we went to Trisha home and they welcomed us inside. my spoked about my marrisge and aunty also happily agreed and finally my family and her family agree for marriage.In marriage Trisha wearing bueatiful silk saree and blouse and his hand is full of bangles and bindi earrings jewelers and full bridal makeup and hairstyle, all nails are painted and my mother put me necklaces and bangles coming from her mother and grandmother . And i am is wearing withe shrit and dothi and he is in in marron withe coloured saree and she got so shy to sit beside me, he  bent his head and sitting in shyness i tied mangalsutra around his neck and put Sindoor and he bent down teach my feet and ask for blessings i bless him in her confident voice and he cried  due to happiness and this is my happiest day in my life she carries me until we reach car and we went to  my home put aratti and mom told him to put right

Trisha ..part-9

                                                                Surprisse i was crying in my room and that night Kaviya and trisha were talking.Trisha saw me while i was cryig and when he came inside i wiped my eyes and lay down. he also slept and he woke up in the morning he hugged me and kissed on the cheek and said good morning. Then he hugged me tightly. then he wake up went to my home and he spoke with my mom. mom went inside the room and she came with one plate. my mom give him one bueatiful saree and blouse  and she makes him ready in that after that she shows him some jewelers like earrings necklaces bangles she told it's given by her mother in-law and now she is giving to him . i cant understand anything. he started to  wear all that jewelers and mom take him to infront of God and told him to light , he light the lamp mom put Kumkum to his head and told him she consider him as her daughter in-law and tell him to marry me and be my housewife, his started crying w

Trisha ...part-8

                                                      Trisha Sister Marriage All the three of girls wore saree and  we were going to temple. Shreya wore a green saree, aunty wore ash coloured saree and Trisha wore a yellow saree. Already i am wore white shirt and white dhoti. i  said " You both sisters are really beautiful. Aunty said i am very lucky to have you as my daughters". Trisha and my sister blushed. Then all of us entered the car and went to temple. Many men were looking at us. But now i need  protect us three girls. Then we did pooja. After pooja, we sat there some time, took selfies. i  said " Trisha have a beautiful curve at  waiste. shreya also said if he had breasts, then he would be the perfect woman. We came back to our home . Then all are thanking me for explanation. Trisha came and hugged me tightly and said thank you everything sister and because of you now living as a female. i said " its ok Trisha and congats dear " , then i came back to m

Trisha ..part -7

                                             Family Accepting Trisha Shreya opend the door and Trisha standing behind me and i asked her show her face. Trish was looking down and looking in fear.shreya was shocked seeing him as a woman. she called her mom & both are shell shocked. Both are confused and asking me why trish dressing as a girl. Again shreya asked me  " Divya, what the hell is this. Why he is  dressed like a woman. Tell me ." I said " He just like dressing up as a woman. he kept this as a secret with him all these days". Shreya said " Aren't you ashamed of saying that. Divya , you dont have any problem because he is my brother and he is  wearing women's dresses". I said "No Shreya. Why you are feeling ashamed. There is nothing wrong in this. If he is happy, you wil be happy. C'mon shreya be matured". shreya said "I can't accept this in my family". Then she came slapped his two cheeks and his mom went wit

Trisha ..part -6

                                     Jealousy Moment & Women's day special  while seeing this i am getting jealosy and getting very angry on kaviya. i told her to act like vicky but she crossing her limit and thats makes me very angry. kaviya said " Today is her first date and that to in guys dress with a guy in girl dress he also told the same, and that evening is amazing for them but for me its hell. after 2 hours hours thay left the mall. but i cant able to tell him " i am Vicky and your FB friend". i called kaviya and i asked about the incident. kaviya said " she s in love with Trish and she proposed him and he also agreed" and she asked me " pls dont disturb Divya and dont try to talk to Trish and now he is mine " and sh cut the cal.  again i sent msg in FB but no reply from him. i got his mobile number and i tried to explain the situation but he will belive me or not i dont know. Trish calling me as Sister. i dont know what to do and i

Trisha ...part -5

                                                      Miss Princess Trisha Trish decided to go as Trisha to get the bumper offer by mall,he is wearing saree and with minimal jewellary and he took his sister scooty and reached the mall they welcomed me by giving the pink roses and they welcomed mr. Prince by giving red roses, I saw him he is tall and bigger than me but I thought somewhere o saw this guy and the clothes I know it but not getting who is he then the manager side both will get the free dress which every you like and then I will take to bueaty palor and I will get makeover like facial makeup and hairstyle and nail polish to my hand and legs and he will get all gents palor facility and we will date in the restaurant in that mall all are free I get excited. They take me to clothes shop I just love seeing all the clothes and I am trying all type of dress from modern to traditional when I hold Sarees my shoulder it's make me feel so happy then I finally take one long skirt

Trisha ..part -4

                                                                      Test for Trisha One day i sent msg in FB that " Trisha i want to meet you and if u r intrested " and he replied " Hi vicky i will meet you and just tell me date time ". i got shocked and surprised " he is ready come wearing the  girls dress but i got fear , if he meets me directly and he will come know i am his siter friend and i dont know how he will react ". before meeting him and i want to check how brave he is ? so i made one plan. i sent msg " see trisha i want to test you if u passsed that test we will meet tomorrow evening " and he said " ok vicky.i am ready to take that test and tell me what to do me " , again i sent " dont worry trish u will come to know about this ".   Next day i arranged everything , i told him ' Trisha u will get call from unknown number & do whatever they says " and he said yes. after sometime he got call from a gir

Trisha ..part -3

                                                   Love begins b/w Divya & Trish Me (Divya)  & Shreya both are college friends and she got engaged so one day i went to meet my friend shreya. i knocked her door and door was opend.I saw one bueatiful girl she is having perfect figure, long thick hair, very girly soft hand, white face soft and sensitive lips, kajal in eyes and bueatiful halfsaree she is wearing, after seeing her I forgot world. she asked me whos  are you and what u want mam. i told her " my name is divya and i want to meet shreya and she is my friend . she told me " shreya sis and her mother went outside , her brother went to buy something to eat and i am his girlfriend ". Then i came back to my home. After two days i got call from shreya and she asked me to her home. i went to shreya home and she taking bath so i seeing her home and i went her brother trish room and laptop is open only and i seen some photos  then i came back to shreya room. samet

Trisha ..part 2

Trish Birthday & Born Fem inside him  Today his sister shreya birthday,so he want to surprise his sister for her birthday. so he shaved moustache and beard completely. he tied my long hair with hairband and wear one t-shirt and pant, without hair his face glowing and he looks pretty and he is looking so cute and soft fairly. he went to his sister room to give surprise and while seeing him , she shocked and smiled and he said her " its your birthday gift sister then she kissed his cheeks and hugged. she told him " you are looking more handsome in this look ", pls continiue like this bro. he said ok but i will try..and he asked shreya scooty key because he gave to service station..then she gave her scooty key. He started the scooty and going to buy gift for his sister. while going he stoped the Scotty near one jewellery shop and thought of buying a earrings and necklaces set to my sister for her birthday. he went inside the shop and a girl welcomed him and tell how ca

TRISHA ....part 1

 Hero Introduction I proposed him to become my housewife and he agreed next screen is marriage hall while I am tieing mangalyasutra around his neck and he takes my blessings next screen is when he gets up we are in first night room where I am in dothi and he is wearing silk saree, I pulled him to bed and put bedsheets when we open the next screen is , I am father for his kids and he is mother for my kids, I am feeling proud because I become female father of baby I wish my baby should be like me and someone is shaking my shoulder and telling hey Divya getup. Then I open my eyes the things until now I saw is dream, my mother is come to my room and tell me to get up because. Mom: hey..divya getup it's already 5 Me : what it's still 5 why you distrib my sleep. Mom: what you are girl you should get up at 5 take bath and put rongoli in front of the house and help me in kitchen and clean.. Me: what I hate doing this house hold work, I will go for jogging and excess. I went to bathroom

Trisha New story coming soon...
